Saturday, December 13, 2014

Rectangular Microstrip antenna project#7(final)

This is our end of the submission week.All the report detail for the antenna project that we are carried out is done.

Some of the disccussion and conclusion had been make for this  rectangular microstrip antenna project: 
  1.   Antenna is a device used for radiating and receiving an electromagnetic wave in free space. The antenna works as an interface between transmission lines and free space.
  2.  Antenna feeding technique can generally divide into two categories which are contacting and non-contacting. The four most popular feed techniques used in patch antenna are the microstrip line, coaxial probe (both contacting schemes), aperture coupling and proximity coupling (both non-contacting). In our project, we used microstrip line feed which is a feeding method where a conducting strip is connected to the patch directly from the edge.
  3. The correct length of inset feed will have the lowest reflection coefficient. Shorter or longer inset cut will increase the reflection coefficient. We extend the length from 5.82mm to 5.94 mm to shift back the S11 parameter.
  4. Reducing the antenna width,Wp will increase the antenna resonance frequency. Increasing the length,Lp will reduce the resonance frequency. Excessive reduction or increment will increase reflection coefficient.
  5.             In most cases, the radiation pattern is determined in the far-field region and is represented as a function of the directional coordinates. It provides an information which describes how an antenna directs the energy it radiates and it is determined in the far field region .
  6. Input impedance was defined as “the impedance presented by an antenna as its terminals” or “the ratio of the voltage current at a pair of terminals”. Impedance matching depends on the inset width.

j   In conclusion, the objectives had been achieved. Furthermore, we have master in CST Microwave Studio in order to design the rectangular microstrip patch antenna. Besides this, it give an experinced on how to design the actual antenna rather than studied the theoritical knowledge of the antenna

Microstrip antenna project#6

Meeting 6
All of the simulation in our group are done and the presentation slide is prepared.
In order to show the  evidence of optimzation value that we  are finalizes,some of the parameter value is compared and we will put inside the presentation slide  during presentation as shown in figure below.

Since all the work is already done by our team and the presentation is very successful for our team.

First of all,we would like to thanks to Dr Alyani  as she gives us the  opportunities  to discover the new CST simulator for designing this interesting rectangular microstrip antenna .Our group is very enjoyed and learned a lot from the project.

Thanks for all the effort be done with my group  member,Ken.

For the remaining 2 weeks times left will be our submission of report.So this will be our last meeting for the  antenna project in this semester.

Microstrip Patch antenna #5

This will be our fifth meeting for the simulation and designing of rectangular microstrip antenna using CST simulator.In last meeting,we had done the simulation part for the VSWR and S11 graph.
So ,this meeting will settle the remaining part for the polar plot and the calcualtion of fractional bandwidth.

The fractional bandwidth is calculated as shown below.

FBW = ( Δf / f0 ) x 100 %
            = {( 3.0234 – 2.9841) / 3 } x 100 %
            =  1.31 %        

Polar plot for far field:

3D ploar plot

For the last part of our project,we will be preparing the slide to be present on the week 12 .Work will be distributed and arrange well with my patner.

Microstrip patch antenna#meeting 4

From the last meeting that we  discussed,our group are able to run the simulation of CST in designing the rectangular microstrip patch antenna.Due to the imperfect value of the graph(S11 and VSWR value graph) we obtained from the last discussion,we had been make some effort to optimize it  during week 11 meeting.

First of all,We have to redraw  and reset  some of the  parameter that we are calculated .The design and the parameter table will be shown below.


Calculation (mm)

Numerical (mm)

After the optimization.we are able to obtaine the suitable graph which required (S11 >-10 and VSWR<2)

S11 graph

VSWR graph

On the next meeting,we will going to calculate the fractional bandwidth and ploting the polar plot for the  far field such as directivity,H field and E fied.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna #meeting3

In this meeting,we will start t draw and design the the rectangular microstrip antenna with the given parameter:

Design specifications
Design Parameters

·         Operating Frequency,  fo  = 2.4 GHz
·         Fractional Bandwidth > 1% and VSWR < 2%
·         Input Impedance, Zin =  50 ohms 
·         Linear Polarization
·         Half-Power-Beam-Width (HPBW) > 120 degrees

Substrate Parameters

·         Lossy material of FR-4
·         Relative Dielectric Permittivity, ɛr  = 4.4
·         Substrate Thickness, h  = 1.6 mm
·         Conductor Thickness (Copper), t  = 0.035 mm
·         Substrate Dielectric Loss Tangent, tanδ  = 0.025
·         Maximum Substrate Area depends on the geometry of the patch antenna not exceed 10x10cm

Feeding method

·         Microstrip line with a characteristic impedance Zo = 50 ohms     

The value for the length and width of patch and substrate is calcualted and checked by using online calculator as shown:

The design of the rectangular microstrip antenna is drawn :

TheS11 and VSWR graph is simulate and obtained as shown.But in order to get the optimised performance,we will like to change and optimised the parameter by changing the lentgth and width of the patch and we will done it by the next meeting.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna #meeting2

From the last meeting on 25th November,we discuss on the introduction and structure of Rectangular Micristrip Antenna.
In the second meeting,all the parameters such as the length and width of patch,feeder and substrate have been calculated by using the formula as shown:

On the next meeting we will start to simulate the design of the rectangular microstrip by using CST software......