Saturday, December 13, 2014

Microstrip Patch antenna #5

This will be our fifth meeting for the simulation and designing of rectangular microstrip antenna using CST simulator.In last meeting,we had done the simulation part for the VSWR and S11 graph.
So ,this meeting will settle the remaining part for the polar plot and the calcualtion of fractional bandwidth.

The fractional bandwidth is calculated as shown below.

FBW = ( Δf / f0 ) x 100 %
            = {( 3.0234 – 2.9841) / 3 } x 100 %
            =  1.31 %        

Polar plot for far field:

3D ploar plot

For the last part of our project,we will be preparing the slide to be present on the week 12 .Work will be distributed and arrange well with my patner.

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